
WATERSHADE Phase 1: Development of a policy and an implementation plan
August 3, 2023 - This project consists in implementing a restoration plan for thermal refuges on the Restigouche River watershed. In the first phase, a policy will be codeveloped for thermal refuges, namely: premices,...

Reproductive breaching of beaver dams and logjam dismantling
August 3, 2023 - With aerial flyover and computerized tools, dams were localized on the Patapédia, Upsalquitch and Kedgwick sections of Restigouche River. Field teams will be deployed to open the habitat a few...

Romaine River salmon restoration program 2021
September 20, 2021 - The mission of the SSRR, which was created in 2011, after the construction of Hydro-Québec dams on Romaine River, is to restore salmon population in Romaine River and its main...

Atlantic salmon conservation plan and recreational fishing enhancement on the three Pabos Rivers
September 20, 2021 - The development of an Atlantic salmon conservation plan on Pabos rivers will enable us to regroup and analyze all studies, documents, and written material about this river to draw a...

Enhancement project for salmon potential in Sheldrake River 2021
September 20, 2021 - The salmon population of Sheldrake River was once exceedingly small and doomed to disappear, since it was estimated that fewer than 20 spawners were present in the early 2010s (AECOM,...

Salmon awareness days 2021
September 13, 2021 - Three full day Salmon and its habitat awareness days are planned for throughout the province. One will take place on the Avalon, one in Western and one in Central. Games,...

Evaluate the success of the 2004 watershed conservation strategies for Atlantic salmon in Bay St. George rivers, and develop a new conservation strategy 2021
September 13, 2021 - This project is the final year for collecting information which will be used to evaluate the success of the Atlantic Salmon Management Plan for Bay St. George Rivers implemented in...

Identification and prioritization of barriers inhibiting fish passage within the Saint John Watershed
September 13, 2021 - Fragmentation of stream networks by anthropogenic structures such as road culverts can affect the health of a catchment by negatively affecting the ecosystem’s biota, their movements, abundances, and species richness....