May Newsletter 2016

May 7, 2016

We are now in May and the summer conservation project season is in full swing with our recipient group partners. Our goal is to put project funding in the hands of recipient groups as early as possible. As soon after issuing notice of successful grants as possible, Darla and Krystal work hard to attain agreement with recipients on dates of project deliverables. Once an agreement is concluded we provide 50% of funding up-front to help get the project off the ground. As the project progresses we provide the balance at agreed upon points.

The 2016 round of project grants brings our overall contribution to salmon conservation to $4.7 million over 9 years. That’s a huge contribution that has leveraged $23.6 million and resulted in 969,820 square meters of habitat improvement and 44,889,493 square meters of new access to salmon habitat being created. This is good stuff, but in our experience, we are meeting approximately 40 percent of reasonable demand.

Readers also know that our Scientific Advisory Committee has been working to create a broad review of scientific initiatives aimed at prioritizing issues and need, hence improving, conservation action. The salmon modeling project is aimed at improving cooperation and coordination among governments and others, thus helping better direct conservation funding in the best directions. We will keep you posted.

This month’s volunteer of the month is Fernand Savoie, a long-time member of our New Brunswick Advisory Committee. Fernand is a habitat biologist with DFO Gulf Region, and is intimately familiar with Gulf of St. Lawrence rivers in New Brunswick and PEI. He is a positive force on the committee and very helpful in focusing ASCF funds where they help most. Thanks Fernand!

Our featured project for May is that of the Richmond Bay Watershed Association aimed at restoring Atlantic salmon habitat on the Trout River (Tyne Valley) and Little Trout River in Richmond, PEI. Under the capable direction of Cathy Gallant, this hard working group has made important gains in the small rivers draining into Richmond Bay/Malpeque Bay bodies of water. This is another example of outstanding work the ASCF is proud to support.

Yours in conservation,
Stephen Chase