
North River LaHave Sub-watershed Fish Habitat Restoration Plan 2019 (EN)
avril 5, 2022 - North River Sub-watershed Plan
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North River LaHave Sub-Watershed Fish Habitat Restoration Plan 2019 (EN)
décembre 8, 2020 - North River LaHave Sub-watershed Fish Habitat Restoration Plan 2019
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Andrews. S.N., Hirtle, S.V., Linnansaari, T., and Curry, R.A. 2019. Consumption of Atlantic Salmon Smolt by Striped Bass: A Review of the Predator-Prey Encounter Literature and Implications for the Design of Effective Sampling Strategies. Fishes. 4(4): 50
juillet 30, 2020 -
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Bordeleau, X., Pardo, S.A., Chaput, G., Dempson, B., Robertson, M., Levy, A., Jones, R., Hutchings, J.A., Whoriskey, F.G., and G.T. Crossin. 2019. Spatio-temporal trends in the importance of iteroparity across Atlantic salmon populations in the northwest Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77(1): 326-344.
juillet 30, 2020 -
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Beaupré, J. & Boudreault, J. & Bergeron, N. and St-Hilaire, A. 2019. Inclusion of water temperature in a fuzzy logic Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr habitat model. Journal of Thermal Biology. 87
juillet 30, 2020 -
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Dauphin, G.J.R, Chaput, G.J., Breau, C., and Cunjak, R.A. 2019. Hierarchical model detects decadal changes in calibration relationships of single pass electrofishing indices of abundance of Atlantic Salmon in two large Canadian catchments Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 7 6(4): 523-542.
juillet 30, 2020 -
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Subventions approuvées 2019: La Fondation pour la Conservation du Saumon Atlantique
avril 18, 2019 - Grants 2019 Approved (Seulement en anglais pour l'instant)
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Une stratégie de conservation renouvelée pour le saumon atlantique à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard
avril 9, 2019 - La stratégie de conservation pour le saumon atlantique à l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard par Darryl Guignion: Succursale de Queens-Centre de la Fédération de la faune de l’Î.-P.-É. En anglais: Atlantic Salmon Strategy April...
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