Projects Directory

Study on the monitoring of smolt downstream migration of Atlantic salmon populations (Salmo salar) in Jacques-Cartier River

Recipient: Corporation du bassin de la Jacques-Cartier
Approved Amount: $15,000
Year Approved: 2014

In order have a better knowledge of the Atlantic salmon population in the Jacques-Cartier River, the proposed project will answer 2 essential questions for a river in a rebuilding process. First, an automated counter, installed in the descent channel of the mini hydro plant Bird 1, will enable us to follow the smolt descent with accuracy and to determine the number who travel in this bypass of hydroelectric production systems. Secondly, every 2 days, dip net fishing will allow the random capture of 100 smolts. This assessment is important, given that the salmon spawner upstream migration from Jacques-Cartier River is well identified and this population is at the west boundary of its natural distribution. The climate change impacts on juvenile salmon survival rate will be documented for one of the most vulnerable populations in Quebec.

Contact: Antoine Bourke, 418-875-1120,