Projects Directory

Jacquet River Watershed Management Plan

Recipient: Groupe des Bassins Versants de la Baie des Chaleurs
Approved Amount: $17,500
Year Approved: 2014

This project is focused on the design of a management plan for Jacquet River. This watershed of an area of approximately 518 km2 includes several natural features: Jacquet River Gorge, which is a protected area. For 130 years, that river has been the scene of fishing activities (illegal fishing and poaching). According to the DNR data, the salmon population fluctuates from year to year, which warrants environmental monitoring of this species. Based on studies and on existing reports, the Group wants to identify and assess the present condition to produce an inventory of the salmon population density, followed by the temperature, the overfishing situation, the priorities concerning fish habitat with regards to environmental impacts. Identify the priority sections of a management plan (selective cleaning, banks stabilization, or addition of structures (deflectors). The awareness and education component (meetings, educational signs) will be carried on simultaneously with the activities.

Contact: Aziz Essalhi, 506-542-2430,