Projects Directory

Impact of rail transport on Atlantic salmon embryo survival in Nipissis River – Year 1

Recipient: Association de protection de la rivière Moisie
Approved Amount: $22,040 in 2019 (1st year of a 2-year project, total: $43,940)
Year Approved: 2019

The project will determine if repeated passing trains along Nipissis River increases mortality of salmon eggs laid on the riverbed. This concern is based on the known and documented fragile status of salmon eggs between the fertilization and the development stage of eyed eggs. The project will 1) quantify vibrations of the Nipissis riverbed caused by passing trains, 2) quantify by a lab experiment the impact of measured vibration ranges on Nipissis riverbed on the survival of Atlantic salmon embryos, and 3) make, as the case may be, management recommendations to limit the impact of passing trains on the survival of salmon eggs.

Contact: Ginette Pelletier, 418-962-3737,