Request for Proposals (RFP)




 DEADLINE: 15 December 2023, 5:00 pm (AST)



Before you proceed:

  • Applications submitted under this specific RFP process must pertain directly to the topic listed below.
  • When salmon is mentioned, we are always referring to wild Atlantic salmon.
  • When projects are mentioned, we are always referring to applied research projects.
  • We will likely only be funding one project this year due to limited funding (one year and multi-year projects are still welcome).

The Foundation for Conservation of Atlantic Salmon (FCAS) is seeking a suitable organization, such as a community group, non-government organization (NGO), university or college, or indigenous organization, to carry out an applied research* project that will help contribute to the attainment of healthy and sustainable salmon stocks in Quebec and Atlantic Canada.

(*For our definition of Applied Research, please see below)


Eligible applied research topic: The applied research topic eligible for submission of a proposal is limited to the following (Note: bullets (Õ) under the key topics below are suggested examples only):

Topic 1: Are current management regulations and protocols effective in conserving, sustaining, and/or improving salmon populations?


Topic 2: What are the consequences of aquaculture on salmon in eastern Canada?

    • What is the influence of pathogens and parasites on the survival of salmon?
    • What are the consequences of interbreeding between wild salmon and farmed salmon on wild salmon?


Topic 3: How do freshwater ecosystems influence salmon populations?

    • What are the causes and the consequences of variable parr and smolt size and/or abundance?
    • Development of a framework, model, and/or plan of cumulative effects of land use practices (e.g. forestry, agriculture, urbanization, mining) and other stressors for the protection of Atlantic salmon.
    • Identify key habitats and risks and recommend specific multi-faceted land-use management practices that protect these features.

Topic 4
: What are the consequences of climate change on salmon?



Principles and Guidelines: The principles and guidelines are intended to frame the nature of the applied research proposal that are being solicited by the FCAS. The greater number of principles and guidelines a proposal addresses, and the extent to which they are addressed, the higher your response to this RFP may be expected to score in a review:


  • Clear and direct benefits to salmon conservation: The goal of FCAS applied research funding is to encourage and assist research initiatives that will be of direct benefit to the attainment of healthy and sustainable salmon stocks in Quebec and Atlantic Canada. Consideration will be given to projects that guide and support the “on the ground” conservation work of community groups, indigenous organizations, and other groups.


  • Atlantic salmon focus: The principal objective of applied research projects shall be conservation of wild Atlantic salmon and salmon habitat.


  • Partnership is encouraged: The FCAS is encouraging partnerships among research organizations to undertake valuable applied research projects. The applicant/recipient organization shall be a Canadian organization with a proven track record of directing and managing scientific research projects. In consideration, however, of the fact that salmon applied research topics are frequently international in nature, eligible project proposals are encouraged to seek the active participation and contribution (cash and in-kind) of non-Canadian organizations, as partners in the project.


  • Primary Publication requirement: Each applied research project that is selected shall result in publication of at least one peer-reviewed publication in the primary scientific literature within an agreed upon period of time.


Proposal Information:

A multi-year project submission is permitted, so the FCAS is prepared to support an applied research project spanning up to 3 years. Proponents should, therefore, specify the total project cost and the number of years to carry-out the project, with an estimated annual budget for each year. A minimum proponent contribution of 33 percent in cash or in-kind is required for each project submission.  Submissions for individual projects should not be less than $5,000 per year nor exceed a maximum of $50,000 per year.

Proposals may be accepted with conditions of approval.  The acceptability of proposals is at the discretion of the FCAS, and the FCAS reserves the right to accept/reject proposals for any reason and reserves the right to nullify this RFP at any time and for any reason.  The applicant will be notified if their proposal is selected for implementation.

The attached proposal submission form contains all the information to be included in an applied research proposal submission. To be considered, a proposal shall provide all the requested information as completely and succinctly as possible, as well as be cost-effective and deemed to be a suitable response to this RFP process by the FCAS.

The information submitted in this proposal form shall be the sole information on which a decision on the award of a grant to the proposed applied research project may be made. The estimated expenditures will also be used to assess the proposal, so for this reason estimated ascribed values should be as realistic as possible, based on the requested information. Please note that the information submitted in your proposal will serve as the basis of developing a funding agreement with your recipient organization, should it be successful.

In completing this proposal form, proponents are asked to respect the word limits specified in each section. In fairness to all proponents, the review of the proposal shall only consider those words up to the initial number of maximum words requested.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 15 December, 2023 at 5:00 pm (AST).

Should you wish to schedule a meeting to discuss the projects prior to making your submission, or to submit your proposal, please contact Kristen Milbury, Conservation Program Coordinator, via email at:

You will receive an email confirming receipt of your application.  If you do not receive a confirmation, please call 506-455-9900 to ensure your proposal has been received.

2024 RFP Application Forms

Download the Research RFP_2024

Download the RFP Budget


* Definition:

Applied Research: Research that is practical – i.e. that can be applied to a well-defined problem.  It’s the opposite of pure or theoretical research for which no specific application has been identified. Applied research is systematic in collection and examination of facts involving the practical application of science. Applied research focuses on solving specific problems or answering specific questions.

Applied research is field or laboratory study, or analysis of existing information that addresses a well-defined question or tests a specific hypothesis such that there is unique information produced, or confirmatory findings with a strong likelihood that the results could be published in primary scientific literature.

Applied research projects can be carried out in any province.

Please note: In addition to the research RFP above, applied scientific research projects may be submitted under any of the provincial streams, however, going forward a maximum of 20% of available grant funds will be allocated to research initiatives.  Taking multi-year projects into account, this may mean that limited funds are available for new research projects in some provinces.  For further information on the provincial application process, please click here.  To inquire about specific provinces, please contact the FCAS office (NB & QC:; PEI, NL & NS: