Projects Directory
Patterns in the abundance and distribution of Atlantic salmon in Maritime Rivers.
Atlantic salmon populations have been decreasing since the 1980’s. Consequently, there has been a widespread call to address the decline and devise a comprehensive conservation plan. Key to such an effort is a thorough analysis of the freshwater data to identify temporal and spatial trends in stock recruitment dynamics, and potential bottlenecks to production (e.g. climate warming). This 2-year research project builds on a 1-year study funded by the ASCF in 2015. A post-doctoral researcher (Dr. G. Dauphin) will collaborate with government and NGO personnel to develop statistical analyses and hierarchical (Bayesian) models to determine whether spawner estimates correlate with indices of juvenile salmon abundance. Our aim is to develop unbiased juvenile production estimates at the watershed scale. These juvenile estimates will help us develop accurate stock-recruitment models for Atlantic salmon populations in the Miramichi and Restigouche Rivers and the factors driving the population dynamics.
Contact: Dr. Richard A. Cunjak,, 506-452-6204