Projects Directory
Revitalization and restoration of the Hughes Brook nature trail and surrounding habitat
This project aims to restore the Hughes Brook Nature Trail that was originally developed as a salmon education and environmental monitoring station by the Aquatic Centre for Research and Education. The area has since fallen into disrepair as they are no longer involved with the trail. This trail follows amazing salmon habitat, providing access through the forests and wetlands to the mouth of Hughes Brook. Fixing this trail will allow the trail users to keep this area safe from litter and poaching activities through increased foot traffic and reporting while also increasing awareness and providing scientific and Indigenous education regarding this special system. This upgrade will provide a scenic, accessible trail for all ages. Not only will it benefit Hughes Brook and surrounding communities, but visitors as well. This project is leveraging existing (ASF, SPAWN) – and creating new partnerships (Qalipu First Nations) – within the community, increasing regional collaboration and legacy.
Contact: Chelsea Boaler,