Projects Directory
Restoration of Atlantic Salmon Habitat in the East River Watershed, Pictou County, Nova Scotia
In 2016, the Pictou County Rivers Association developed a Fish Habitat Based Watershed Management Plan (WMP) for the East River Pictou County. Our project for 2017 would have 4 components:
1) Install in-stream structures in Sam Cameron Brook to restore damaged fish habitat ass recommended in the WMP;
2) Continue habitat restoration work on Archibalds Brook that was started in 2016. Activities include tree planting, garbage removal, removal of debris jams and installation of new in-stream structures;
3) Continue to develop and expand the WMP to include surveys and assessments of 5 additional tributaries;
4) Collaborate with the Mi’kmaw Conservation Group to assess and restore Atlantic salmon habitat in the East River.
Contact: Roy Parker, 902-485-8403,