Projects Directory

Rebuilding stocks, monitoring and public engagement benefiting endangered IBOF Atlantic salmon restoration to the Petitcodiac River system

Recipient: Fort Folly First Nation
Approved Amount: $25,000
Year Approved: 2018

The objectives of the project are to achieve larger levels of increasingly fit iBoF salmon inputs to the Petitcodiac, building momentum & biomass towards the long-term goal of restoring historic numbers of salmon to the Petitcodiac River watershed.
Project activities (inputs);
• Live Gene Bank (LGB) un-fed fry releases
• Collect & transport wild smolt to Dark Harbour FSR site
• Release Fundy Salmon Recovery (FSR) marine reared adults
• Release Mactaquac Biodiversity Facility (MBF) LGB adult salmon
• Collect & transport fall parr to MBF for over wintering

Project assessments activities (scientific monitoring);
• Deployment of PIT antenna to record out-migrating & returning adults
• PIT tag & tissue sample adult salmon at FSR site to be returned to Petitcodiac
• Petitcodiac electrofishing surveys to calculate juvenile densities
• Adult enumerations prior to annual adult releases
• Petitcodiac redd surveys

Project public engagement activities (outreach/ education)
• Community/ stakeholder iBoF Atlantic salmon restoration presentations
• Active ‘hands on’ public engagement/ involvement in salmon restoration
Contact: Tim Robinson ou Wendy Epworth, 506-379-3400, ou