Projects Directory
Atlantic salmon conservation plan for the Gouffre River
Development of an Atlantic salmon conservation plan for du Gouffre River will help compile and analyze all studies, documents and notes on this river to draw an exact and complete picture of the salmon population and its habitat. Such an analysis will point out problems, gaps that need to be filled and specific issues concerning the river. We need this project to develop directions and objectives for projects completion, but also to develop tools for sustainable development of the territory. Given its geographical location and the renewed enthusiasm for fly fishing, du Gouffre River may be affected by an increased fish effort in the next few years, which is why development of a conservation plan is even more imperative. The reality of climate change on the river where important warming episodes occur, will also be analyzed in this plan. The plan will then be shared in paper format and on the Web with different partners of the area.
Contact: Martial Girard, 418-639-2988,