Projects Directory

Miramichi cold-water enhancement program

Recipient: North Shore MicMac District Council
Approved Amount: $30,000
Year Approved: 2020

This project will work to create a climate-change resilient river system. This will be accomplished by enhancing cold-water habitats to serve as thermal refugia for adult and juvenile Atlantic salmon during high temperature events. This project will complete enhancement work at 2 refugia sites that already have been surveyed and designed, will complete the survey, design and enhancement of a 3rd site, and will conduct surveys for future enhancement at an additional 2 refugia sites. Use of the principles of fluvial geomorphology will ensure sustainable, long lasting projects to benefit the future of wild Atlantic Salmon. The North Shore Micmac District Council (NSMDC) Anqotum Resource Management will ensure that enhanced, cold-water sites will be inspected annually to determine if any significant deterioration or changes have occurred.

Contact: James P. Ward, 506-627-2730,