Projects Directory
Improving South Brook Fish Habitat through Streambank Stabilization, Pasadena, NL
Through its freshwater initiatives, ACAP Humber Arm has identified areas of substantial erosion on South Brook, Pasadena, Newfoundland. As stream banks erode siltation increases, interfering with the health of recreational fish species. As the stream bank erodes overhanging vegetation is also lost. This vegetation provides shade, cooling and regulating water temperatures. The root systems for this vegetation also aid in the prevention of erosion along stream banks, holding the soil together within root networks.
Through this project ACAP Humber Arm, guided by a committee of expert advisors, will utilize plantings of native vegetation along sections of eroding streambank along South Brook, Pasadena, NL, to restore habitat for species such as Atlantic salmon and brook trout by reducing siltation, minimizing potential for further erosion, and providing future vegetative canopy within the reach. These measures also lead to habitat improvements, resulting in decreased siltation, along 2100 meters downstream of the restoration site.
Contact: Sheldon Peddle, 709-637-4222,