Projects Directory
Assessing and Restoring Aquatic Connectivity in the Lower Nashwaak River
The Nashwaak Watershed Association Inc.’s (NAWI) Action Plan, developed to guide projects between 2017 and 2020, noted the assessment and improvement of aquatic connectivity within the watershed as a High Priority Action item. This 2-year project will evaluate and improve fish passage within the Nashwaak Watershed.
Each year, the NWAI will conduct a preliminary field survey of at least 50 culverts in the lower watershed, prioritize them for remediation in terms of barriers to fish, produce an aquatic connectivity map of the watershed, and begin to remediate between three and five priority culverts (per year), using a local hydraulic engineering company’s expertise as a guide. The end goals are to facilitate fish passage through ten culverts assessed as barriers, and to increase the amount of available upstream aquatic habitat for migratory fish, especially the Atlantic salmon.
Contact: Marieka Chaplin, 506-261-4664,