Projects Directory

Education campaign on urban runoffs in salmon areas

Recipient: Organisme de Bassin Versant Matapédia Restigouche
Approved Amount: $30,000
Year Approved: 2018

This project consists in an education campaign using traditional medias (television, radio, newspapers, etc.), social media and creative publicity methods (stencils, community events, local partnerships). Atlantic salmon habitat is threatened by sedimentation, carried by inadequate management and infrastructures on inhabited territory. This problem is worsened by climate hazards. The slogan SLOW DOWN, DISTRIBUTE, CAPTURE, INFILTRATE is not known nor understood. Urban citizens must be made aware of the impacts of inhabited areas on salmon habitat. Runoff records for each property will be given to make property owners aware of their real impact on the river. Certification of sustainable management of rainwater will be developed and posted in front of properties to give them added value. Desired spinoffs are : facilitate urban participation and help newly elected officials to make optimum decisions in salmon territory management.
Contact: Valérie Delisle-Gagnon or Mireille Chalifour, 418-756-6115 extension 7014, or