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Characterization of the migration of smolts from the Matapédia River as part of an integrated management of the Restigouche salmon resource.
Matapedia River is known for salmon fishing, but especially for its fishing success and the large number of salmon harvested year after year. In spite of this fishing pressure and this important harvest, analysis data of conservation thresholds established by managers show that the quantity of laid eggs has been more than 100% for several years. By comparing conservation thresholds reached in neighboring rivers in Quebec and New Brunswick, different partners want to initiate a study of smolt productivity for this tributary of Restigouche River. After installing a rotating trap in the spring of 2015, and this for 3 consecutive seasons, we will be able to estimate smolt productivity. More specifically, with our standardized approach, we will be able to compare migration in Matapedia River with Kedgwick river. Temporal variability of migration, density, smolt physical condition and survival will be investigated.