Projects Directory
Atlantic Salmon Habitat Restoration and Enhancement
We will use ASCF funds to further implement recommendations from A Conservation Strategy for Atlantic Salmon on PEI on Pisquid River, Clark’s Creek, and Vernon River monitor temperatures in salmon rearing habitat on the three watersheds; consult with Vernon River landowners to create a beaver-free zone; expand current salmon monitoring (instream habitat and population assessments, redd surveys, electrofishing) and expand mentoring and education initiatives with student employees and local elementary schools (grades 5 & 6). PREP will install three salmon holding areas; install 250m of brush mats; plant 500 native trees and shrubs to enrich diversity and create stream shade; install 30 cover structures; conduct electrofishing surveys with assistance of PEI Watershed Alliance; test nitrate water quality levels; monitor water temperature; excavate accumulated silt from a silt trap; and post stories to social media and release a newsletter.
Contact: Clarence Ryan, 902-659-2616, or