
Assessment of Atlantic salmon recruitment prior to the restoration of river processes
February 5, 2025 - Description: Log drive activities linearized and leveled several areas of Escoumins River. If wood transportation accelerated, substrate generally became too coarse for Atlantic salmon spawning. Also, the shallow depth of...

Implementation of the management framework for the Malbaie River nature reserve in Gaspésie for the conservation of Atlantic salmon
February 5, 2025 - Description: Malbaie River natural reserve of 327ha, includes protected properties by CNC, which extend along 4 km of the riverbanks and in its bed, and includes 14 salmon pools. In summer,...

Restoring of Porters Brook and post-removal monitoring
February 4, 2025 - Description: Porters Brook is an important cold-water, spring-fed brook that lies within the Nashwaak watershed. Deposition of sediment is occurring in the pool at the mouth of the brook when...

February 4, 2025 - Description: This project consists in implementing actions resulting from the implementation plan developed in Phase 1 of the Watershade project. The thermal refuges policy and the decision tree will be...

Designing, building and monitoring thermal refuges in an era of warming rivers.
February 3, 2025 - Description: Thermally stable patches in rivers, known as thermal refuges, are used by cold-water species like Atlantic salmon to alleviate thermal stress in the summer and winter through behavioural thermoregulation....

Identification and characterization of thermal refuges potentially used by salmon in Jacques-Cartier River
June 1, 2022 - The goal of this project is to complete an inventory of thermal refuges in Jacques-Cartier River and its main tributaries using a thermal camera attached to a helicopter, and to...