
Salmon Spawning Habitat Enhancement – Southwest Brook
February 5, 2025 - Description: The Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association (BBEMA) intends to improve access to Atlantic salmon spawning and rearing areas on the Southwest Brook, a tributary of the Dunk River. The...

Corner Brook Fishway Revitalization
February 5, 2025 - Description: A pulp and paper company constructed a dam and fishway on Corner Brook Stream around 1970.As part of the dam construction a fishway was installed. The fishway is supplied...

Restoring of Porters Brook and post-removal monitoring
February 4, 2025 - Description: Porters Brook is an important cold-water, spring-fed brook that lies within the Nashwaak watershed. Deposition of sediment is occurring in the pool at the mouth of the brook when...

Broken Brooks – Culvert Remediation and Equiping Recreational Waterway Users to Restore Fish Passage in SE NB
February 4, 2025 - Description: The PWA will continue to collect culvert passability data in our watershed to expand inner Bay of Fundy (iBoF) Atlantic salmon recovery efforts. The PWA uses this data to...

Restoring Access to Fish Habitat & Assessing Salmon Populations in the Belleisle Watershed
February 4, 2025 - Description: The purpose of this project is to restore access through culverts identified as barriers to fish passage in the Belleisle watershed and assess salmon populations in the watershed to...

Localization and classification of all water crossings on Gaspésie territory: Use of LiDAR technology
September 20, 2021 - At the GMRC/CGBVRR, we developed a high-resolution technology to identify culverts in watersheds for all Strahler numbers (including short-lived watercourses of Number 1). In the last three years, we were...