
Minimizing the impact of culverts on Atlantic salmon habitat Phase 2
February 5, 2025 - Description: In phase 1, a multi-criterion analysis method in geomatics which was based on a spatial analysis approach made it possible to identify and characterize river crossings that can pose...

Protecting aquatic habitat through bank restoration in the lower Nashwaak River
February 4, 2025 - Description: This project aims to contribute to the restoration and protection of Atlantic salmon habitat through the completion of a bio-engineered bank restoration project. The overarching goal of this project...

Assessing and Restoring Aquatic Connectivity in the Nashwaak Watershed
February 4, 2025 - Description: This project builds on our successes over the last seven years in assessing and improving fish passage in the Nashwaak watershed. Our strategy for improving aquatic connectivity employs a...

Further Development of an Integrated Watershed Management Plan for 5 Bathurst Basin Rivers
February 4, 2025 - Description: The Nepisiguit Salmon Association (NSA) is proposing a joint initiative to further develop an Integrated Watershed Management (IWMP) for five watersheds that empty into the Bathurst Basin. Along with...

Agricultural Partnerships for Sustainable Watersheds
February 4, 2025 - Description: “Agricultural Partnerships for a Sustainable Watershed” is a multi-partner project that will blend important watershed themes such as biodiversity, invasive species, erosion control, riparian setbacks, and more to improve...

Opening up breeding habitat by breaching beaver dams
February 4, 2025 - Description: Using arial surveys and computerized tools, the Conseil de Gestion du Bassin Versant de la Rivière Restigouche will locate the dams on the Patapédia, Upsalquitch and Kedgwick sections of...

Development of a management plan for the Baie des Chaleurs watershed and characterization of Atlantic salmon habitat
February 4, 2025 - Description: This project will support the organization’s efforts to develop a management plan for the watershed. The group works with GINU as part of the federal initiative of the Aquatic...